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AEDR Editorial Team

Using Video Technology with ECNS Calls with Dr. Conrad Fivaz, Ellen Edwards, and Dr. Mike Brady

AEDR Editorial Team

Mar 21, 2023|Dispatch in Depth

Dr. Conrad Fivaz, President of Priority Solutions Inc and chair of the ECNS council of standards, Ellen Edwards, Senior Professional Practice Educator for Clinical Support Desk at Welsh Ambulance Service, and Dr. Mike Brady, Consultant Clinician NHS 111, discuss the implementation of video technology at the Welsh Ambulance Service NHS Trust (WAST). They go over best practices, the types of calls best handled with video technology, and clinician feedback.

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Speaking the Same Language with Edel Burton

AEDR Editorial Team

Feb 21, 2023|Dispatch in Depth

Edel Burton, clinical hospital pharmacist and PhD scholar in the School of Public Health at University College Cork, discusses her research about pre-hospital care terminology and measurements. Your agency’s definition of “on scene” may be different from other agencies’ definitions, and Burton’s research will make it easier for agencies to compare their data.

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In The Drink with Jaci Fox

AEDR Editorial Team

Dec 20, 2022|Dispatch in Depth

Jaci Fox, quality assurance specialist and the Police Lead with QPR, discusses the best way to handle calls about impaired driving, including why it occurs, whether it includes driving while high, and the importance of updating the location in cases of moving violations.

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