You’re invited to submit research abstracts for the poster presentation exhibit in Orlando, FL (USA), April 14-17, 2025! Topics include the wide range of subjects related to emergency dispatch research, in any discipline—published or unpublished.
Abstract submissions will be accepted in English.
Submitted abstracts will be evaluated based on the following criteria:
- Is research topic relevant to emergency dispatch?
- Is the poster presentation clear and well organized?
- Is the question posed by the authors well defined?
- Are the methods appropriate and well described?
- Are the data sound?
- Does the conclusion accurately convey what has been found?
- Abstract submissions must be received by March 7, 2025.
- Abstract submissions will be reviewed by IAED’s Research & Informatics Division and acceptance will be announced no later than March 14, 2025.
Accepted Abstracts:
- For accepted abstracts, PDFs of posters are due by April 4, 2025. These poster PDFs will also be submitted at
- Printed poster size is 42″ wide by 30″ high.
- Displaying a poster at NAVIGATOR grants permission for your abstract and poster to be published in the Annals of Emergency Dispatch & Response (AEDR)—online only.
- It is the authors’ responsibility (if attending NAVIGATOR) to bring their poster(s) to the conference. If the authors will not be attending the conference, arrangements can be made to have the poster printed and displayed at the conference on the authors’ behalf.
- If the authors are planning to attend NAVIGATOR, they will also be granted the opportunity for a short (5-7 minutes) oral presentation of their poster during a research forum session.
Winning Poster
From the accepted abstracts and subsequent received posters, IAED’s Research & Informatics Division will select a winning research poster. The winning poster will be announced and an award presented to the leading author during the conference's Closing Session and noted as the winning poster when published online in the Annals of Emergency Dispatch & Response (AEDR), the Academy’s peer-reviewed research journal.