Dr. Anthony Minge, senior partner at Fitch & Associates, speaks about the importance of sponsoring NAVIGATOR and highlights the services available for emergency dispatchers through his company. He touches on the Communication Center Manager (CCM) Program as well as the Pinnacle EMS Leadership Forum.
Josephine Rios, 911 calltaker and law dispatcher and founder of Latinas of 911 LLC talks about her organization including how it started, what its goals are, and how to become part of it.
Dr. Russell MacDonald, the Medical Director for Toronto Paramedic Services and Toronto’s Central Ambulance Communications Centre, discusses what a communication center medical director is and how their role impacts your work.
Andre Jones, Assistant Executive Director of Communications and Control Centers for Hamad Medical Corporation, talks about what it's like being in emergency communications in Qatar and dispenses some leadership best practices...
Isabel talks with Anthony Minge, Senior Partner with Fitch & Associates, and Joe Coons, Director of Safety and Communications for LifeFlight Eagle. Together they discuss the Communication Center Manager Program, the kinds of research projects that CCM participants do, and why disseminating the results of...
Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP) quality can have life-or-death implications. The quality of service provided by PSAPs is inconsistent due to the lack of mandatory standards of care at the national, state, and local levels. Public demands and duties placed on PSAPs have grown due to technological changes, civil cases alleging negligence, and the emergence of national recommended standards of care, yet governments at all levels have been slow to create governance structures to reinforce adherence to standards...