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Giving the All-Clear with Janell Farr and Jenean Hansen

Oct 13, 2020|Dispatch in Depth

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Janell Farr, president, and Jenean Hansen, head of programs and operations, discuss their nonprofit the All Clear Foundation, whose aim is to improve the health and wellbeing of first responders through resources like a peer-to-peer app, a mobile wellness tool, and a robust resource database.

For Your Information: ResponderRel8 (—peer-to-peer chat app which, in the absence of widespread peer support programs for all, enables first responders across the country to connect, commiserate and celebrate—anonymously if preferred—without stigma or fear getting in the way. As of October 2020, the app is currently subscription-free to past/present first responders.

You | ResponderStrong (—free and confidential wellness tool for Responders to recover, recharge and stay strong between shifts. Increase your personal wellbeing through confidential quizzes and content to tap into your own power and potential to succeed, thrive and matter—enhancing your health, wellbeing, and everything in between.

First Responder Resource Database ( with more than 700 resources to assist first responders and their families.

COVID-19 Resources for Responders ( for the unique challenges being faced as a result of the pandemic.

Hundreds of Resources for Families ( adjusting to new school procedures due to the pandemic.