Angela Huddle, a member of the IAED’s Police Council of Standards with over 27 years in the 911 industry, discusses some common mistakes she’s seen emergency dispatchers make when handling police calls.
Melissa Colon, CTO, Lieutenant, ETC instructor, and Q with Manatee County Emergency Communications Center, and Heather Hedgcock, QA Coordinator, Captain/Supervisor, ETC Instructor, and Q, discuss customer service skills. They outline how to professionally interrupt the caller, give examples of phrases you can use to sound polite and firm, and approach calltakers who lose their patience.
Ariana Kitty, Operations Manager for Northwest Central Dispatch System (NWCDS), and Robin Chamberlain, QA independent contractor with PDC, discuss the skill of active listening, including what you can do to improve it and why it’s so crucial.
Samantha Hawkins, communications officer with Cobb County 911 in Marietta, Georgia, discusses the role of customer service in emergency dispatch, bias in the dispatch center, and what it's like to be a woman of color working in 911...