Does Use of the Compressions Monitor Diagnostic Tool by EMDs Enhance the Ability of Callers to Perform CPR?
AEDR Editorial Team
Dec 17, 2020|Research Briefs
DOES USE OF THE COMPRESSIONS MONITOR DIAGNOSTIC TOOL BY EMDs ENHANCE THE ABILITY OF CALLERS TO PERFORM CPR? Yes! When used with Pre-Arrival Instructions, the Tool significantly improves callers' ability to achieve high-performance CPR compression rates. The earlier, the better. Out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA) is both pervasive and deadly. The American Heart Association (AHA) estimates more than 356,000 OHCAs occur in the United States per year. Of these cases, about 90% are fatal. Bystander CPR can save the life of an OHCA patient—however, time is of the essence. It has been said that...