911 Caller-Described Heart Attack Symptoms
Greg Scott, MBA, EMD-QI, Christopher Olola, PhD, Brett Patterson, Chris Davis, EMD-I, Joleen Quigg, Matthew Miko, JD, Richard Lindfors, NRP EMD-I, Jayme Tidwell, Kevin Pagenkop, ED-Q, John Lofgren, ED-Q, Jaci Fox, ENP, Jeff Clawson, MD
Apr 20, 2022|Research Posters
Research has showed that heart attacks present clinically with varying symptoms; and those symptoms are not always described by patients as chest pain or chest discomfort. Emergency Medical Dispatchers (EMDs) using the Medical Priority Dispatch System (MPDS™) are trained to select the Chest Pain/Chest Discomfort Protocol for non-chest pain heart attack symptoms or classic heart attack complaint of chest pain/chest discomfort. Nevertheless, it is still unknown how often callers report heart attack symptoms other than chest pain/chest discomfort, including what specific words/phrases they use to describe