Annals of Emergency Dispatch & Response Logo


Designing a transformative approach to prevent psychopathologies among EMS frontliners.

Thérésa J Choisi EMD-Q MSc, Gabriel Potvin, Aman Verma, Hélène Brouillet M, Luc de Montigny PhD, Mathieu Campbell, Marine Tessier, David Buckeridge

Apr 23, 2024|Research Posters

Burnout prevalence among healthcare workers has skyrocketed worldwide in the recent years. Machine learning can help to act upstream and therefore prevent psychopathologies by predicting compromised wellness among EMS frontliners.

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Greg Scott, MBA, EMD-QI

Feb 13, 2024|AEDR 2024 Vol. 12 Issue 1|Editor's Message

Years ago, when I worked in a 911 center, I don’t ever remember hearing the terms “vicarious trauma,” or “compassion fatigue.” Occasionally “burnout” was mentioned to describe how we felt after long stretches of intense work; although it mostly expressed years of exhaustion and time spent in the emergency dispatch center. Not much attention was given to the day-to-day stress and mental trauma that was happening along the way.

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Emotional Labor in Emergency Dispatch: Gauging Effects of Training Protocols

Sharon H. Mastracci, PhD, Ian Adams, PhD(c)

Mar 04, 2020|AEDR 2019 Vol. 7 Issue 3|Original Research

Previous studies of emergency dispatch personnel have established high levels of emotional labor, burnout, and turnover intention among this population of first responders. This study is the first to investigate the effect of emergency dispatch script protocols on workplace outcomes of burnout and turnover intention. Hypotheses: The study tests two related hypotheses: Greater script comfort among emergency dispatchers will be associated with decreased emotional exhaustion (Hl) and decreased turnover intention (H2)...

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Impact of Work-Related Factors on Stress and Health among 911 Calltakers and Dispatchers in California

Kimberly D. Turner, MPA, ENP, Michele Lilly, Ana M. Gamez, PhD, MBA, Kassandra Kressler, MA

Apr 09, 2019|AEDR 2019 Vol. 7 Issue 1|Original Research

Empirical literature examining the health and wellness of emergency responders has continued to grow over the past decade. Yet there is a relative absence of literature on 911 telecommunicators, who are often the "first, first responders" in an emergency. Examination of work-related factors that enhance risk for stress and adverse outcomes may improve current prevention and intervention efforts in this population. Civilian 911 calltakers and dispatchers from the state of California (N = 833) participated in an online study to...

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