Andrew Palmer, IAED’s Manager of Instructional Design, is excited to talk about the IAED’s new and improved Learning Portal! He discusses what it will look like, its new capabilities, and how people can start familiarizing themselves with it.
The Raspy Dispatcher herself, Ashley Valenzuela, discusses the resources her company offers, as well as some tips preparing for life both before and after dispatch.
Melissa Colon, CTO, Lieutenant, ETC instructor, and Q with Manatee County Emergency Communications Center, and Heather Hedgcock, QA Coordinator, Captain/Supervisor, ETC Instructor, and Q, discuss customer service skills. They outline how to professionally interrupt the caller, give examples of phrases you can use to sound polite and firm, and approach calltakers who lose their patience.
Jonny McMullan, Performance Improvement Manager with the South Eastern Health and Social Care Trust, discusses the benefits of mentoring in emergency dispatch, including what makes a good mentor and how to best support trainees.
Andrew Palmer, manager of instructional design at IAED, discusses emergency dispatch training, including where to start improving your own programs and what kind of training works best for this field.
Despite long-standing calls for consistent
training practices, very little is known about
the methods used in emergency dispatcher
training, their relative efficacy, or the topics or
competencies addressed.