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Audrey Fraizer

Factors Contributing to Emergency Dispatcher Levels of Stress

Kate Wahlgren, EMD, Andre Jones, PhD, Audrey Fraizer, Christopher Olola, PhD, Dawn Faudere, EMT-P, EMD-Q, Isabel Gardett, PhD, Marc Gay, Mike Taigman, MS, Ronald Williscroft, QI, EMD

Aug 04, 2021|Research Posters

Studies have cited dispatcher claims of significant emotional, mental, and physical stress as a result of their work, however, there is very little literature that ranks in order of prevalence or severity the factors contributing to overall stress specific to emergency dispatchers. The aim of this study is to collect data that will complement other research findings in this field to inform the development of new programs designed to address specific factors contributing to dispatch stress and build better psychological health among this group.

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Research Spotlight: Rich Lindfors

Audrey Fraizer

Oct 01, 2020|AEDR 2020 Vol. 8 Issue 2|Research Spotlight

When did you begin researching issues related to the profession? Unofficially, I began many years before becoming official. Officially speaking, I have been a researcher since 2017. In my role, research enabled me to revamp, customize, launch, and optimize process improvement initiatives and programs to maximize operational performance and enhance customer service. What started you along the research and process improvement path? I took a new role within my organization in 2017, which requires me to research many aspects of not...

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Research Spotlight: Jenna Streeter

Audrey Fraizer

Jun 03, 2020|AEDR 2020 Vol. 8 Issue 1|Research Spotlight

Where do you work? Madison County Fire Department Communications, Huntsville, AL, USA. As manager, I oversee operations for 14 full-time employees; handle all policy development, training program development, and quality assurance/quality improvement program oversight; and am a liaison with 16 volunteer fire chiefs and other public safety officials. What are the parts of your job that connect with research? I regularly analyze data in decision-making in all fields identified above. My recent research project published in AEDR...

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Litigation and Adverse Incidents in Emergency Dispatching

Jeff J. Clawson, MD, Denise Jorgensen, Audrey Fraizer, Isabel Gardett, PhD, Greg Scott, MBA, EMD-QI, Brent Hawkins, JD, Ann Maggiore, JD, NRP, Christopher Olola, PhD

Sep 20, 2018|AEDR 2018 Vol. 6 Issue 2|Original Research, Special Edition

Risk management is an area of critical importance for emergency services and public safety agencies, including emergency communication centers. However, almost no information currently exists regarding litigation against, or involving, emergency dispatch. The primary objective in this study was to characterize the most common types of adverse events, actions, and omissions of action that lead to lawsuits against emergency dispatchers and their agencies. The study was a systematic literature review...

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“For Us, It’s the Only Way:” Characteristics of ACE Achievement and Barriers to Success

Kim Rigden, Isabel Gardett, PhD, Audrey Fraizer, Edward Trefts, MFA

Jun 22, 2021|AEDR 2021 Vol. 9 Issue 1|Original Research

Relatively few dispatch agencies using the International Academies of Emergency Dispatch protocol systems have achieved Accredited Center of Excellence (ACE) status. Despite ACE being the gold standard for implementation of these systems, no research exists about either barrier to ACE achievement or drivers of ACE success. s: The objectives of this study were to describe the barriers to achieving ACE and to identify characteristics that indicate success with respect to...

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Factors Contributing to Stress Levels of Emergency Dispatchers

Kate Wahlgren, EMD, Audrey Fraizer, Mike Taigman, MS, Marc Gay, Ronald Williscroft, QI, EMD, Dawn Faudere, EMT-P, EMD-Q, Andre Jones, PhD, Christopher Olola, PhD

Jan 20, 2021|AEDR 2020 Vol. 8 Issue 3|Original Research

There is now substantial research literature on the occupational stress among emergency dispatchers from multiple studies that have cited dispatcher claims of significant emotional, mental, and physical stress as a result of their work. However, there is very little literature that ranks in order of prevalence or severity the factors contributing to overall stress specific to emergency dispatchers. The aim of this study is to collect data that will complement other research findings in this field to inform the development of new programs designed to address specific...

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Research Spotlight: Dr. Andre V. Jones

Audrey Fraizer

Feb 13, 2024|AEDR 2024 Vol. 12 Issue 1|Research Spotlight

Dr. Andre V. Jones is an Assistant Executive Director and Head of Profession-EMD for Hamad Medical Corporation Ambulance Service, the national ambulance service in the State of Qatar. He also served as the executive lead for the FIFA (World Cup 2022) Medical Command Center, which is within the National Healthcare Incident Command Center. He earned his B.Sc, M.S., M.P.A., and Ph.D. with concentrations in Emergency Management. His research focuses on improving leadership and retention in emergency dispatch, and he is pursuing another Ph.D. in Industrial and Organizational Psychology.

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Research Spotlight: Michelle Haynes

Audrey Fraizer

Jul 14, 2023|AEDR 2023 Vol. 11 Issue 1|Research Spotlight

Michelle Haynes currently serves as the EMD Quality Performance Improvement Coordinator for Weld County Regional Communications Center in Greeley, Colorado. She has worked in communications for almost 19 years. During this time, she has worked in several roles, including dispatcher, Certified Training Officer, EMD-Q, and member of the IAED ED-Q Council of Standards. She is a certified EMD Mentor and uses the skills she’s learned throughout her career to help dispatchers improve. By using her experience and expertise she can give them the tools and education that is vital to their success.

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Audrey Fraizer

Sep 19, 2022|AEDR 2022 Vol. 10 Issue 2|Research Spotlight

Patrick Clark currently serves as the Regional Transport Allocation Center Captain for Monongalia EMS in Morgantown, West Virginia. His team oversees all non-emergent transports for their two local Health Systems along with other facilities within the area. He has worked in EMS for the last 18 years. During this time, he has worked in several roles, including ground and air services along with Critical Care Transport. Along with EMS, he has also worked as a telecommunicator at a 911 system that served a large metropolitan area.

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